Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23 rd 2011

Quite day today Jason and Colette enjoyed some laughs over lunch down in the atrium.Charolette Duck was in for a visit and Grandma Dea was visiting and on the search for new glasses for Jigger!

Looks like the old hurry up and wait has kicked in again, so cross your fingers and send out a request so we get the call from the Glen rose SOON!

Kensey-Bryn-Cadence are all up in Edmonton this weekend for AA Provincials! GO STING!!

We will see you tomorrow Jigger! HOLDING THE ROPE!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear the progress. Go Stingers! We keep missing Cadence at the rink. It was great to see Griffin at the rink last weekend for Ryker's game though, we've missed him! Keep up the incredible journey. The Glenrose will be blessed to work with such an amazing guy and his team.
    Kari and Boyd Lotzien
